An interview with Gerald Brom


Born in the deep dark south in the mid-sixties. Brom, an army brat, spent his entire youth on the move and unabashedly blames living in such places as Japan, Hawaii, Germany, and Alabama for all his afflictions. From his earliest memories Brom has been obsessed with the creation of the weird, the monstrous, and the beautiful.

At age twenty, Brom began working full-time as a commercial illustrator in Atlanta, Georgia. Three years later he entered the field of fantastic art he’d loved his whole life, making his mark developing and illustrating for TSR’s best selling role-playing worlds.

He has since gone on to lend his distinctive vision to all facets of the creative industries, from novels and games, to comics and film. Most recently he’s created a series of award winning horror novels that he both writes and illustrates: The Plucker, an adult children’s book, The Devil’s Rose, a modern western set in Hell, The Child Thief, a gritty, nightmarish retelling of the Peter Pan myth, and his latest concoction, Krampus, the Yule Lord, a tale of revenge between Krampus and Santa set in rural West Virginia.

Brom is currently kept in a dank cellar somewhere in the drizzly Northwest.There he subsists on poison spiders, centipedes, and bad kung-fu flicks.When not eating bugs, he is ever writing, painting, and trying to reach a happy sing-a-long with the many demons dancing about in his head.

Lost Note

Lost Note

I know you were born in Georgia, being the child of an enlisted did you get to spend much time growing up in the South?

Sure did. About half my life in such places as Georgia, Texas, and Alabama. My grandparents lived a very self-sufficient rural lifestyle. It’s very sad to see their way of life fading away.

What was it like to live in various places all over the world? Do you  think the culture of other lands fed your artistic visions?

Most certainly. Experiencing other cultures opens your mind up and feeds your imagination.

What were you like a kid? What did you draw most back then? I know you’ve said you where always an artist. Why do you think art has always beckoned you?

I was a handful. Always into mischief. Some things never change. When I wasn’t getting into trouble I was drawing and writing, making books with magic markers, notebook paper and staplers. Same darnn thing I’m, doing now, but with a computer and oil paints.



When did you first know you had to be a professional artist?

Always knew art was my calling. The reality that I might be able to be paid to do it didn’t really set in until my late teens.

Your work is rather…dark. Why do you think that is?

It is simply the aesthetic I am drawn to. All the inherent drama is interesting and so very seductive.



On your site you mention a happy sing-a-long with the many demons dancing about in your head. Do you find the idea of demons and the whole good/evil thing appealing? Why do you think people have always been fascinated by such things?

We are fascinated by the things that scare us. My muses come in many guises. I have demons, and angels, and impish goblins singing in my head. Sometimes in chorus, but most often in chaos. Keeps things interesting.

What does it feel like to see your work featured at some of the top companies in the world? Did you ever imagine as a child you’d be doing that?

It’s always a thrill. No, as a child I never imagined I would get to paint professionally, yet at the same time I never imaged doing anything else.



What does it feel like to make a living doing what you love?

It cuts both ways. I am very fortunate to be doing work I love for a living, but also, it can sometimes make you despise the thing you love as you often have to work under such pressure, or compromise your vision to fit someone or something else’s.

What led you try your hand at illustrated novels?

I’ve always consider myself as a story teller, with pictures or with words, so it seems natural two combine the two.



How has your outlook on things changed most do you think since you have became a parent yourself? Do your children admire your talent? Do you enjoy drawing with the kids?

Children make it very hard for me to be the selfish, self centered, ego-centric artist that I want to be. My children both seem to appreciate what I do for a living. As kids they spent many an afternoon drawing with me in the studio. Now they are both in creative fields making their own art, one with game design, the other with music. Their mother is an artist as well, and I feel the creative gene is often passed along.

How do artists make the transition of images in pencil/ink to paint? I’ve always been enthralled by that entire process. How does it…come about?

Every artist has their medium. For me paint comes easy, ink on the other hand is a struggle.

Shade Blue

Shade Blue

I know you have said you’d like to work more in horror. Who are some of your favorite authors in the horror genre?

Stephen King, Clive Barker, Cormac McCarthy, Anne Rice.

Did you have any favorite horror films or character early on?

Vampires have always struck a vein with me.

Miss Muffet

Miss Muffet

What is the scariest memory you hold?

Being impaled through the heart with a wooden stake. Fortunately I managed to turn into a bat and fly away just in the nick of time.

What projects are you working on at the moment?

My latest novel is Krampus, the Yule Lord, about an ancient pagan demon coming to reclaim his holiday from Santa Clause. Also, just finishing up a new art book. You can find all the details on my website:



Red Wing

Red Wing

Morgan Le Fay

Morgan Le Fay

5 thoughts on “An interview with Gerald Brom

  1. Reblogged this on Official Site of Alex Laybourne – Author and commented:
    A very interesting interview with a very interesting artist.

  2. Very enjoyable interview, and what a wonderful collection of images

  3. Juliette says:

    Love this! Love love love. He is now my new favorite artist!

  4. Ian Ayres says:

    Reblogged this on Voyeur and commented:
    The seductive art of Gerald Brom feeds the imagination . . .

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