The Art of David Delamare

Rabbit Punch

All three following images from Rabbit Punch

The History of Lightning

details from The History of Lightning

Details from The History of Lightning continued

Titanik Ink

Titanik Details

Titanik continued

The Tempest

Tempest Details

Carnival of Curiosities


David Delamare was born in Leicester, UK but lives in the U.S. His paintings have appeared on numerous book and album covers, in television programs and in films. He produced concept work for Warner Bros. Animated Features and Francis Ford Coppola, and designed sets for the American premier of Trevor Nunn’s Peter Pan.

Delamare paintings have been purchased by museums and appear regularly in the prestigious juried annual Spectrum: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art.

Delamare has illustrated ten books: a retrospective, eight children’s titles (one a collaboration with singer Carly Simon) and an adult alphabet book. As a writer, he adapted one fairy tale, produced two original children’s books, and co-wrote Animerotics: A Forbidden Cabaret in 26 Acts.

His artwork decorates the walls of a dessert parlor in Singapore and a beachfront restaurant in the Hamptons.

Currently David Delamare is working on four new illustrated books, including a unique version of Alice in Wonderland. He is also composing music, and working with his publisher and partner Wendy Ice to produce his first music videos.

For more information on his work please see:

5 thoughts on “The Art of David Delamare

  1. Reblogged this on ~Eye Sea Blood~ and commented:
    I will be starring in a couple of upcoming short films that my friends David and Wendy is a reblog of a post someone made about Davids arte…

  2. Thank you Tina for including the artwork in Van Gogh’s Ear. We’ve added this link to a new Facebook album of interviews and features at . Nice to see the talented Eyerish Heather Collins here. We are very excited to be collaborating with her.

    • I really would love an interview with David or Alphonse if either ever has the time? I personally loved writing the Alphonse one Wendy. Thank you for the chance of that. It is our honor to have you as part of Van Gogh’s Ear. Always happy to help where I can.

  3. DeAnna Reeder says:

    I absolutely love your mermaid prints. I bought the entire collection from the beach. During my divorce my exhusband destroyed all but 1! I really want to start my collection again. I live in Delaware close to Rehoboth beach. Is there a website or a store that I can buy them? I was destroyed to lose my collection. Please let me know if you can help me. Thankyou

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